Thursday, December 4, 2008


Like most young girls I’ve always loved wearing my mother’s make up and play around with red lipstick, wear her heels and walk around the house. As I grew up, this childish act transformed into a passion about fashion and make up. My parents always taught me to hold on to my dreams and goals and to improve my skills and therefore it was no surprise when they suggested that I should take a professional make up course that would eventually give me a better chance to practice this hobby as a profession in my free time.
To a makeup artist a person’s face is the main representation of one’s physical beauty. Once I hold the brush and the colours I think of the face in front of me as a master piece that must be drawn creatively and artistically to perfection. As much as I love make up, I hate it when it loses its real meaning which is to enhance one’s beauty and not to create a totally different image of the person.
As fashion tours travel every season new colours are created and astonishing styles are made, hence, I like to keep myself updated and that’s why I will be taking my next make up course in January 2009.