Thursday, December 4, 2008


Like most young girls I’ve always loved wearing my mother’s make up and play around with red lipstick, wear her heels and walk around the house. As I grew up, this childish act transformed into a passion about fashion and make up. My parents always taught me to hold on to my dreams and goals and to improve my skills and therefore it was no surprise when they suggested that I should take a professional make up course that would eventually give me a better chance to practice this hobby as a profession in my free time.
To a makeup artist a person’s face is the main representation of one’s physical beauty. Once I hold the brush and the colours I think of the face in front of me as a master piece that must be drawn creatively and artistically to perfection. As much as I love make up, I hate it when it loses its real meaning which is to enhance one’s beauty and not to create a totally different image of the person.
As fashion tours travel every season new colours are created and astonishing styles are made, hence, I like to keep myself updated and that’s why I will be taking my next make up course in January 2009.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Humans need a second planet!!

Humans need a second planet!!

Researchers have found that if the needs for natural resources remain as high as they are, by the year 2030, human beings will need a second planet to satisfy their needs for metals, fossil fuels, timber and waste disposal. The Environmental group WWF (world Wildlife Fund) completed a survey, and statistics show that the United States of America and United Arab Emirates are the most wasteful countries. The Human race is currently consuming more than the earths ability to regenerate by one third.
``We are already living in a way that the planet cannot sustain, and the problem is getting worse by the year,'' WWF Director-General James Leape said by telephone in London.[1]
If the world maintains the same level of demand for natural resources, then the world is rushing into an ecological credit crunch that would make the humans need a second planet to assure that their needs are satisfied.
The “ecological footprint” based in the United Kingdom stated that the amount of the earths land and sea needed to provide the sources we use and absorb our waste is 5.3 hectares per person. This is more than twice the 2.1 hectares per person actually available for the global population.
It is foolish to be living beyond the earths regenerating capacity, as it would affect us and would even more affect the generations to come, as this would make the generations to come live in scarcity of natural resources, and would make their life really difficult. Therefore we have to try to reduce the level of our consumption of natural resources, and try to recycle in order to save our planet earth. This should be done by starting with ourselves, and raising awareness in people about the global environment and make them realize that they should reduce their consumption of natural resources, and reduce their waste. This way we could ensure a happier future for ourselves and for the next generation, and in turn, they would do the same for the forthcoming generations.

[1] , Accessed: 29/10/08

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ras Al Hadd

My country, The Sultanate of Oman, has a unique and significant geography; as it combines mountains, a 1700km long coast with many beaches, deserts and valleys or wais as we call them; which makes it difficult to choose only one place of significance.

Ras Al Hadd is considered one of the most unique and significant places in the world. It is a village in Sur city located in the Al-Sharqiya district in the eastern part of Oman. Ras Al Hadd is famous for its clean golden sand beach, with the birds that fly there annually escaping noise and cold winters, as the climate is warm and beautiful in winters. Most importantly its famous for its wild green turtles reservoir , which lay their eggs in summer nights.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Oscar the cat is not just any cat as he could predict the death of old people in this facility. It hasn’t been proven scientifically yet that the cat could really predict deaths as it could just be laying around old people in this nursing facility where death could occur at anytime however some actually believe in this cat’s abilities! Personally I believe that this is learnt behavior as the cat sees how the doctors and nurses check on the patients at this facility. Coincidences happen all the time however if this cat truly has this amazing ability than it should be cloned.

Personally I tend to base my decisions on scientific evidence, as such I find it hard to believe in Oscar's abilities because it seems all too superstitious to me. Until Oscar is taken out of the current facility where his "ability" can be further tested and scientific evidence is derived then I cannot say I believe that his ability even exists. it more likely that his current ability to predict deaths is merely coincidental or I would go as far as presuming that cats in general have the ability to communicate with dying folk.

Monday, October 6, 2008


To many, Wealth stands for money; the more money you have the wealthier you are. However, in my point of view wealth is simply a joyful life. Generally, Wealth is usually associated with money, the more money the wealthier or richer and individual is, but "richness" is a relative term, you may define richness as the increased amount of money you have. However it could easily be interpreted as having a full life, filled with joy and happiness. Wikipedia defines wealth as the following: "Wealth derives from the old English word "weal", which means "well-being." The term was originally an adjective to describe the possession of great qualities.” Therefore this fits in with what I mentioned previously, wealth is possession and maintaining of great qualities that lead to a happier life. Therefore wealth could include money; however money alone doesn’t make an individual wealthy, this leads us to the question: “What is the measure of an individual’s wealth?” The measure of an individual’s successes is in both professional and personal life. Professional being career which in turn produces money and personal meaning family, as family fill an individuals life with a sense of purpose and belonging and a sense of duty and responsibility towards that family, all of which are basic human needs. Therefore the closer you are to your family or the bigger your family the wealthier you are as an individual, and life becomes filled with joy because more and more aspects of human desires are being fulfilled. Hence wealth can be defined as the financial well being of an individual, but I personally chose to define wealth as the emotional richness and well being achieved via family and friends.