Monday, October 6, 2008


To many, Wealth stands for money; the more money you have the wealthier you are. However, in my point of view wealth is simply a joyful life. Generally, Wealth is usually associated with money, the more money the wealthier or richer and individual is, but "richness" is a relative term, you may define richness as the increased amount of money you have. However it could easily be interpreted as having a full life, filled with joy and happiness. Wikipedia defines wealth as the following: "Wealth derives from the old English word "weal", which means "well-being." The term was originally an adjective to describe the possession of great qualities.” Therefore this fits in with what I mentioned previously, wealth is possession and maintaining of great qualities that lead to a happier life. Therefore wealth could include money; however money alone doesn’t make an individual wealthy, this leads us to the question: “What is the measure of an individual’s wealth?” The measure of an individual’s successes is in both professional and personal life. Professional being career which in turn produces money and personal meaning family, as family fill an individuals life with a sense of purpose and belonging and a sense of duty and responsibility towards that family, all of which are basic human needs. Therefore the closer you are to your family or the bigger your family the wealthier you are as an individual, and life becomes filled with joy because more and more aspects of human desires are being fulfilled. Hence wealth can be defined as the financial well being of an individual, but I personally chose to define wealth as the emotional richness and well being achieved via family and friends.


kago masie said...

you keep on saying the same thing over and over again for most part of your blog,read it over and you'll notice this yourself..try and avoid that next time

Jumana said...

Ill keep that in mind